Why You Should Hire A Certified Specialist To Defend Your Criminal Case
Law firm partners Alan Eisner and Dmitry Gorin are "State Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialists," demonstrating they have the highest level of experience in criminal law.
The California State Bar has certified a limited number of specialist who have demonstrated excellence in their particular field of law.
The Bar does this to help consumers identify attorneys who have demonstrated a high degree of proficiency in their specialized field. In addition to Criminal Law, the specialties include Family Law, Bankruptcy, Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, and Franchise Law, among others.
A Certified Specialist is more than just an attorney who specializes in an area of law. A California attorney who is certified by the State Bar as a specialists in Criminal Law must have:
- 1) Taken and passed a written examination in Criminal Law;
- 2) Demonstrated a high level of experience in Criminal Law;
- 3) Fulfilled ongoing education requirements; and,
- 4) Been favorably evaluated by other attorney's and judges familiar with their work.
Recertification Process
A Certified Specialist cannot simply rely on his laurels. The recertification process occurs every five years, requiring the attorney to submit a renewed application, including numbers of trials and results, and contact information of Judges and opposing counsel with whom we have litigated, in order that the State Bar can vet, yet again, the applicant.
The attorney also must submit information on all the specialized seminars and training they have attended in the relevant time period.
The attorney also submits information regarding cutting edge cases which they have litigated. They submit information where they have educated other attorneys or at law schools, and particular areas of expertise.
The Certified Specialist must be in court regularly, handling the most serious cases and litigating the most serious issues. He must stay current on new laws to enable his clients to achieve the best case outcome.
Effective advocacy employs many means, whether by challenging government conduct in a Fourth Amendment search and seizure motion, or challenging sufficiency of evidence at a Preliminary Hearing or through a Penal Code § 995 motion to dismiss.
A Certified Specialist knows how to prepare an effective and compelling sentencing position, so even if a client must have a conviction, the resulting sentence is fair and appropriate for the circumstances.
Efficient Investigating Techniques
A Certified Specialists does not just sit back and rely on the evidence presented by the Government; they know how to investigate a case properly, whether by interviewing and subpoenaing witnesses, subpoenaing records and documents, and by effectively employing experts whether they be mental health experts, accident reconstruction experts or other forensic expert to properly evaluate evidence.
In short, the Certified Specialist in Criminal Law has demonstrated a commitment to his practice.
By his record, the Certified Specialist has demonstrated that he is a zealous advocate for his client, and will insure that his client receives the best result possible in their case.